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96-Well Polypropylene Microplate

Whether your research uses cell-based assays, antibiotic screening, or general storage, a 96-well polypropylene microplate is the perfect tool. Available in round and flat versions, these plates are made with an industry standard footprint. Designed for ease of use, Nunc MicroWell plates are designed for reproducible results. Their flat bottoms provide a smooth surface for optimum optical measurements. Read on to learn more about these plates.

96-well plates have a sterile base and a polystyrene cover for superior resistance to heat, chemicals, and abrasion. While the plate itself is made of polypropylene, its lid is made of polystyrene to resist chemical and heat. Each plate is separately packaged to reduce the possibility of contamination. 96-well plates are ideal for storing samples for high-throughput screening.

These plates come in a wide range of designs, from standard to transparent. The most popular 96-well plate is the transparent bottom one. Unlike its translucent counterpart, this plate is designed for easy viewing. They feature a chimney-like design. The bottoms are available in four different shapes, and are embossed with color-coded alphanumeric coding. They also feature a removable underdrain for easy sample collection.

Most 96-well plate studies have been conducted at 37degC. Bednar et al. found no significant differences in responses to TRAP at 25degC and 37degC. Other groups, however, found that the temperature affected responses to some agonists. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages to 96-well plate aggregometry. First of all, the cost of a plate reader is significantly less than the expense of a de novo LTA setup.

Second, 96-well microplates are very versatile. They can hold as little as ten nanoliters of liquid. They are inexpensive and save researchers time and money by eliminating the need for costly reagents. They are also ideal for cell-based tests, such as ELISA. If you need a 96-well plate for cell-based testing, Biomat offers a wide variety. Regardless of the assay, Biomat offers the perfect microplate for every need. Learn more about Chrom Tech, go here.

Another advantage of a 96-well microplate is that it is sterile. Tissue culture-treated microplates have black well walls and an optically clear polystyrene bottom. These are also perfect for imaging with high-content screening systems. But there is a downside to using a 96-well plate. In most cases, it's not a good idea to use non-ionic detergents as these do not effectively seal off unbound protein sites. Find out for further details right here www.chromtech.com .

A 96-well plate has been used for numerous studies. Using this format allows researchers to compare various compounds in the same sample. They can use it for compound preparation, high-throughput screening, combinatorial chemistry, and nucleic acid purification. Additionally, it is compatible with robotic systems. Moreover, 96-well plate allows for the use of a wide range of agonist concentrations and can be transferred to other assays. Take a look at this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microplate for more information. 

Clearview 96-well plates are perfect for studying transendothelial and chemotactic cell migration. The transparent surface of the 96-well plate allows researchers to view the movement of these cells and track their migration patterns. Incucyte's Clearview 96-well plate is used with its special chemotaxis analysis software module. These two tools together are essential for conducting experiments involving live-cell migration.